Guiding clients toward positive life change that will help you become more effective leaders, friends, spouses, parents, and coaches.
About The Course
This course is designed to assist participants in gaining a deeper understanding of themselves and how they relate to others.
The heart of an organization is its culture. The essence of the culture comes from “the hearts” of its employees, which in turn is influenced by the hearts of their leaders. Learn the seriousness of today’s mental health issues. The uniqueness of this course is the understanding of the role that emotions, thoughts, beliefs, values, behavior, intellect, and heart play in the quest for personal development.
This course will involve individual exercises, group discussions and one-to-one partnership coaching. It is designed to enhance interpersonal skills such as: communication, resolving conflict, building healthy values, and strengthening interpersonal relationships for individuals in any type of organization.
“Global Narcissism has become a pandemic that is likely to destroy civilization well before any significant effects from Global Warming or Global Terrorism”
Stephen R. Schmidt, Ph.D.
CEO, World Class Quest
Course Overview
Focuses on personal development and understanding interpersonal relationships.
Explores how emotions, thoughts, beliefs, values, behaviors, intellect, and heart shape individual and organizational culture.
Addresses the importance of mental health awareness in professional settings.
Key Objectives
Enhance self-awareness and interpersonal skills.
Understand the influence of leadership on organizational culture.
Learn strategies for effective communication and conflict resolution.
Build and reinforce healthy values and behaviors.
Customization Options
Available as a two-day or three-day course.
Customizable to the needs of your organization. Please contact us to learn more.
Course Activities
Individual exercises for personal reflection and growth.
Group discussions to foster shared learning and diverse perspectives.
One-to-one coaching to provide personalized guidance and support.
Target Audience
Individuals in any type of organization seeking to improve communication and interpersonal relationships.
Leaders looking to cultivate a positive organizational culture influenced by strong personal values and emotional intelligence.
Course Learning Objectives
Examine self-awareness: blind spots, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
Understand the difference between talents, limitations plus, strengths and weaknesses in behavior
Understand personality types, and their strengths and weaknesses
Know your narcissistic tendencies and those of the organization
Understand the concept “Change starts with me!” requires accepting responsibility for your own pain
Understand Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and evaluate your own EQ
Know when change is needed and the cost/pain of not changing
Begin developing a Personal Strategic Plan to grow human capital
Identify the secrets to success and happiness
Learn how World Class Organizations have evolved towards hiring for heart and training skills & ability rather than the reverse
Become aware of the root cause of personal pain/unhappiness
Gain some insight into emotions, thought patterns, attitudes, beliefs, values, character traits and behaviors
Assess your values and beliefs, evaluate, and develop a plan to create radical positive change in your life
Learn why healthy relationships are important and how to improve yours
Evaluate relationship building skills and develop a plan to improve
Understand the value of and the process to grow your human capital
Know the enemy of success and happiness and how to fight it
Create and Finalize your own Personal Excellence Strategic Plan
"My personal strategic plan has aided me in finding my future vision with my health, wealth, and relationships."
Client Testimonial
Creating my Personal Excellence Strategic Plan has been extremely helpful to align my self-vision with the steps that need to be taken to become that vision. I am an intelligent, determined, and caring woman that has dedicated 16+ years of employment with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas. I ask myself, is this how I want to define myself? The answer is no.
My personal strategic plan has aided me in finding my future vision with my health, wealth, and relationships. I define my purpose in life as one who was put on this earth to help others and leave the world a better place. I have been blessed with many skills that will help me achieve this goal.
My accomplishments and contributions may be small; however, as long as I have helped one person, I am happy. The most important relationship I have is with my family – daughter, parents, niece, and sisters. I love and care deeply for my family; they are the reason I am determined to become a better person – financially, intellectually, and spiritually.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas
Course Ideology
Why are so many failing to achieve their full potential?
We are all given different talents, abilities and opportunities. To achieve our full potential we must maximize the use of what we have been given in order to excel both at work and in our relationships. Then why are so many failing to achieve their full potential? The answer is simple; they spend too much time focused on self (MEism) and not enough time focused on others (WEism).
When we become so self-absorbed that we truly believe all of our successes are a result of our self-sufficiency and all of our failures are because of someone or something else, we lack humility and are suffering from some degree of excessive self-love referred to as narcissism. The opposite of narcissism (MEism) is humility (WEism).
A humble person sees life as a gift to be grateful for, not a right to be claimed. Therefore, whether our life has been filled with a serious amount of trauma or an amazing amount of accomplishments, a response of blaming others for all our pain and praising ourselves for all our success is unhealthy.
This type of response is the result of self-focused values (MEism) that manifest themselves in the following beliefs: Oh great is ME; Oh woe is ME; Entitled is ME; Listen to ME; Don’t bother ME; Don’t blame ME; Why is this happening to ME; What is in this for ME; etc.
At the extreme, this type of person becomes clinically and pathologically narcissistic. However, psychologists speculate that only a small percentage of Americans are clinically narcissistic. Even though every human being comes into this world with a sense of self-focus, healthy people will strive to overcome this self-focus through building healthy relationships (WEism).
However, since none of us are perfect, we all need to assess our narcissistic tendencies which result in dysfunctional behavior and then commit to changing that behavior. We must accept the fact that the only person we have the power to change is ourselves. Therefore, focusing on everyone else’s flaws and not our own is counterproductive.
Although MEism is becoming a rapidly spreading problem these days, it has plagued humans and robbed them of joy, success and happiness since the beginning of time. The deterioration of our mental health is evident by considering that most of our ancestors 200 or more years ago had lives far more difficult than ours. Yet, it is possible they had far more gratitude, happiness and humility than most of us today. Most likely their hardships forced them to discover the secret of success and happiness: “WEism is more powerful than MEism.”
Unfortunately, all of our scientific discoveries in over the last 200 years have not stopped the growth in MEism and if anything have accelerated it. One great American who understood the cause of our decline was President Abraham Lincoln. Here is how he put it in 1863;
“We have grown in numbers, wealth and power as no other nation ever has grown; but we have forgotten God! We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own.”
The great leaders of our time have not been able to influence a reverse in this downward spiral. In fact, many great leaders seem to also suffer severe narcissistic tendencies and overtime unethical and immoral behavior over takes them. It is important to understand that narcissism and victimism are one in the same; excessive love of self, MEism. They are the polar extremes in the love spectrum. Many public figures use victimism to build a large following. True humility recognizes the need for healthy relationships, WEism, which leads to treating others the way we want to be treated.
When we move from “MEism focus” to “WEism focus,” we build teamwork which leads to collaboration, creativity, innovation and a fully engaged workforce that will make our country great. Over the past 6-7 years Gallup has conducted a world-wide study on employee engagement. Although the U.S. came out on top, only 30% (on average) of American workers are fully engaged. Roughly 50% are disengaged (do only the minimum) and 20% are toxic. Gallup also found that these numbers have not changed significantly indicating we need radical change to make to make America great.
In order for America to become great we need more than rhetoric, we need changed hearts from MEism to WEism. Great nations have great communities, great families and great organizations of all types.
The heart of an organization is its culture composed of the hearts of the people and primarily influenced by the hearts of the leaders. Therefore, to make America great requires that we improve the individual engagement in our families, communities, organizations and our country.
To accomplish this task, all of us need to embrace the following basic truths:​
Most of us are afraid to face the truth of who we are.
Most of the pain in our life is self-inflected.
We have all been wounded from some trauma either physical, emotional, mental, sexual, etc. and we have just 3 choices:
a. Wounded Prisoner – is someone who is stuck in the victim mode and if they don’t learn to be a
wounded warrior they are likely to turn to addiction in order to escape the ongoing pain from the
trauma. They are enslaved to MEism.
b. Wounded Quitter – is a wounded prisoner who has remained that way too long and has not found
escape from their self-pity and/or addiction. They are likely to check out.
c. Wounded Warrior – has become an active combatant in the battle of ME vs WE and has learned ways
to practice and grow in WEism.
We must own our pain and stop blaming others.
It is easier to focus on the speck in everyone else’s eye rather than to focus on the board in our own eye.
The only person we can change is me.
Change starts with me.
It will be a life journey of work to transform me from ME to WE.
WE is always more powerful than ME.
Each of us has a destiny – a purpose. Victimism is our enemy.
Only courageous individuals who are determined to get well will succeed.
Finding fully engaged team players is becoming more and more difficult. As we indicated before, Gallup studies show on the average only 30% employees are fully engaged, 50% clock in, do the minimum and clock out while 20% are toxic.
Since the beginning of time, human beings have struggled with the battle of ME verse WE. It will be a lifelong battle for each of us to be transformed from MEism to WEism. Then and only then can we reach the pinnacle of our full potential. This battle of ME verse WE is a war that requires a fully engaged heart.
“We all have some degree of Narcissism within us, which spans a spectrum from victimism to grandiosism.”
Stephen R. Schmidt, Ph.D.
CEO, World Class Quest