Guiding clients toward positive life change that will help you become more effective leaders, friends, spouses, parents, and coaches.
About The Course
Organizational Excellence aligns and links, Organizational Development, Strategic Planning, Project Management and Disruptive Lean Six Sigma (DLSS). The practice of Sequential Radical Positive Change (SRPC) is presented in all four aspects of Organizational Excellence.
Organizations who are buried in a status quo mindset are doomed to struggle if not fade away. Change is not optional in the pursuit of excellence. Not all change has to be radical, but when engaged in incremental change, organizations must guard against just “working harder” instead of “working smarter.”
Often, small incremental change turns out to be no real change at all. Radical goals will require “working smarter” to be successful. SRPC is appropriate for all types of organizations: for profit, social service agencies, governmental entities and faith-based organizations.

“We need to agree that a culture consists of the heart of all the employees and primarily influenced by the heart of the leaders.
Stephen R. Schmidt, Ph.D.
CEO, World Class Quest

Course Overview
Organizational Development which addresses the heart of the organization, it’s culture. We need to agree that a culture consists of the heart of all the employees and primarily influenced by the heart of the leaders. Consequently, it is ideal if all employees have taken Personal Development, and all leaders have taken Radical Leadership. Since this is not always possible, this course will include the major topics of those courses.
Strategic Planning is presented as a six-phase approach: define, need, vision, plan, execute and sustain. SRPC is recommended during the goalsetting process. Additional topics will include:
Psychology of change, types of change, barriers to change, and how to motivate the need for change
What is the cost of not changing
How much change is necessary
What is the cost of change
What is the potential return on investment
Project Management will include identifying the project manager, team selection, goals, scope, timeline, budgets, metrics, barriers, status checks, and a status template material will also address Gant chart, plus waterfall and agile methods. Project management intersects with product service and process improvement. The most common method to implement this type of improvement is Lean Six Sigma (LSS). However, research indicates over 70% of LSS projects and training fail to general desired levels of improvement. Therefore, we have developed a prerequisite for LSS entitled Disruptive Lean Six Sigma (DLSS).
Disruptive Lean Six Sigma (DLSS). This part of the course will provide a non-statistical prerequisite to successful Lean Six Sigma. DLSS will focus on cutting edge tools to ensure the existing knowledge of the project can be captured on one page referred to as a canvas model. Numerous other basic non-statistical tools will be included.
Key Objectives
To link Organizational Excellence to Organizational Development, Strategic Planning, Project Management, and Disruptive Lean Six Sigma
Improve the culture of the organization through self-awareness, metrics, and leadership
Improve engagement of employees, plus focus on hiring for heart not just skill
Embrace SRPC and determine when it is appropriate
Participants will learn why LSS is failing over 70% of the time and how DLSS can prevent these failures.
Learn a non-statistical approach to LSS and master DLSS tools
To reduce waste, improve efficiency and effectiveness, plus where appropriate increase profits

Course Activities
Group discussions
Determine weakness in a culture through a comprehensive cultural survey
Small groups of participants will then discuss what needs change, what is the cost of not changing, how much change is necessary, what’s the cost to change and what is the potential return on investment.
Participants as a group will develop a strategic plan for the next five years
Participants will use Project Management and DLSS to execute the strategic plan
Target Audience
Senior Leadership
Department Heads
Strategic Planners
Team Leaders
Key Decision Makers
Change Agents
Customization Options
Available as a two-day or three-day course.
Customizable to the needs of your organization. Please contact us to learn more.

Organizational Development (O.D.)
Prepare for Radical Change
Core Values and EQ
Mission & Vision
Determine and Validate Organization Chart
Hire the Right People
Self-Awareness and Culture Development
Employee Engagement and Accountability
Radical Leadership
Metrics Development and Alignment
Document Intellectual Capital
O.D. Tools
Strategic Planning (S.P.)
Planning for Radical Change
Review Mission, Vision, Customers, Products, Services, and Core Values
Evaluate Last Year and Plan Next Year
Estimate Cost of Not Changing
Set Some Incremental and Some Radical Positive Goals
Scope, Quality, Time, Cost, and Metrics
Estimate Potential Return on Investment from Sequential Radical Positive Change
S.P. Tools
Project Management (P.M.)
Executing the Plan
Build Cross Functional Fully Engaged Team
Understand Needs and Objectives
Map Project for Scope, Timeline, Cost
Develop Success Metrics and Radical Goals
Schedule Phases and Reviews
Process Optimization Using Process Maps and Standard Operating Procedures
Update Intellectual Capital
P.M. Tools
Disruptive Lean Six Sigma (DLSS)
Prerequisite to LSS
Teamwork and Engagement
Critical Thinking!
Facts and Data Decisions!
Stabilize all Processes
Cost of Not Changing?
Type of Change?
Minimize Risk!
DLSS Tools

"You have always been willing to go the extra mile to make sure that we are getting the training that we need, and it is valued."
Client Testimonials
“Your willingness to work with us to develop and implement training, your flexibility in working with us to accommodate our ever-changing needs are greatly appreciated. You have always been willing to go the extra mile to make sure that we are getting the training that we need, and it is valued. Disruptive Lean Six Sigma (DLSS) continues to be a game changer for COSA and your willingness to share your knowledge has helped us to improve our own skills!”
Travis S.
Office of Innovation, City of San Antonio
Client Testimonials
“In June 2019, I had the pleasure of attending and completing the Disruptive Lean Six Sigma course facilitated by Stephen R. Schmidt, PhD. This course has been truly beneficial in many ways helping me better understand the Disruptive Lean Six Sigma. Dr. Schmidt is an excellent facilitator and has demonstrated a strong passion and enthusiasm for teaching this course to city employees. This course is very well structured for learning Lean Six Sigma and the class curriculum is aligned with emphasis on the City Manager’s Goals, CoSA CORE Values, and identified improvements from city staff. I really enjoyed the open dialog with classmates and participating in group activities to help better understand Disruptive Lean Six Sigma and its benefits to the city.
Since taking the Disruptive Lean Six Sigma course, I have been re-energized in the way I manage my team and have a new approach to considering future projects.”
Chris C.
Airport Security Manager
Dallas/Ft Worth International Airport

"This course has been truly beneficial in many ways helping me better understand the Disruptive Lean Six Sigma."

"My personal strategic plan has aided me in finding my future vision with my health, wealth, and relationships."
Client Testimonials
“The Disruptive Lean Six Sigma course was excellent. The training reinforced many activities already carried out by myself and my team and also brought a new perspective on project management and interpersonal relationships which are critical to the success of any program/project. The class was engaging and provided many hands-on exercises which presented new skills and processes which will be invaluable in future projects. Dr. Schmidt’s teaching style created a positive learning environment which encourage all to participate, share their experiences and make the course quite enjoyable.”
Robert L.
San Antonio Police Department