Green Belt Certification- Lean Six Sigma
You must have already completed a Yellow Belt Certification before continuing on to a Green Belt.
This training takes place at least two months after Yellow Belt Certification and is for those participants who chose to apply their Day 1 and 2 training on a valid project within their department. Each person pursuing the Green Belt certification will receive at least 4 hours of personal coaching from the course facilitator, complete and present the project proposal to their supervisor, manager or director for approval, form an appropriate team, complete the project and present the results on the third day of training to the class for critique and encouragement.Provided the Green Belt applicant receives a passing grade on their project they will be certified as a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt.
Each Green Belt participant will identify a valid project in their department, get leadership approval to conduct a Lean Six Sigma project, build an appropriate harmonious team, complete the project using at least 4 hours of facilitator coaching, write up and present the project results to leadership and to the Day 3 class.