Disruptive Lean Six Sigma (DLSS) Yellow Belt & Green Belt Certification
Initially, Lean Six Sigma was used in manufacturing and high tech organizations and is now being modified for use in all types of organizations. Because traditional LSS requires complex statistics plus training and software costs, many organizations have been underserved and/or overlooked. Most non-technical organizations, non-profit organizations, government agencies and the service industry need a radically new approach to LSS. The approach for these organizations will focus on: mostly graphical techniques; a clear understanding of how and where Lean Six Sigma fits within the entire organization; a new approach to motivating Lean Six Sigma benefits; improving critical thinking and problem solving skills plus a radical new approach for strengthening the culture, growing emotional intelligence (EQ) and developing courageous leaders.
Dr. Schmidt is one of a few consultants developing this new approach he refers to as Disruptive Lean Six Sigma (DLSS). Much of the motivation behind the DLSS approach began in 2009 when Dr. Schmidt was paired with Tony Robbins (motivational speaker, life coach and cultural change agent) to repair a broken marriage and execute family team building in an NBC and Oprah Network reality show, “Breakthrough with Tony Robbins.” It was at this time Schmidt’s research efforts focused on organizational leadership, culture and personal development. Schmidt’s new LSS curriculum, Disruptive Lean Six Sigma, is radically different from anything previously developed.
- Understand the history of Lean Six Sigma, why this methodology has become popular around the world in all types of organizations and why it is failing more than 60% of the time.*
- Learn a radically new way to understand and execute successful Lean Six Sigma projects.
- Discover how the belt certification can help each participant improve their human capital and how it can assist all COSA departments pursue excellence.
- Master the basic Lean Six Sigma concepts and tools.
- Be able to intellectually communicate the benefits of Lean Six Sigma to other city employees.
- Discern where and how Lean Six Sigma can be properly implemented within the organization.
- Be able to estimate the cost of not changing, the cost of changing and the potential return on investment from changing.
- Discover why and when radical improvements must be directed at technology breakthroughs, business model disruptions and/or a cultural movement.
- Develop the ability to participate on any team engaged in a Lean Six Sigma project.
- Understand how to document the intellectual capital gained from any Lean Six Sigma project.
* “Where Process Improvement (Six Sigma) Projects Go Wrong”By Chakaravorty, The Wall Street Journal, January 25, 2010